Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I had a three day weekend, and since I couldn't spend my 4th of July with my friends and family, BBQing, playing flip cup, listening to oldies and watching the fireworks at "the club" whilst my mother sang the National Anthem, I thought a weekend of travel was in order. At the last minute I decided to take a 3 1/2 hour train to Munich since I'd never been there and had heard it was lovely. Indeed it was!
My hostel in Munich. I got my own room, I couldn't hang with the idea of a 12 person co-ed dorm (with no age limit...I saw men my fathers age walking around with beers in the lobby...eek).
Munchen Subway wait.
Munchen Subway car.

Munchen at night. (Casinos and "candy bars" everywhere)
I met these French students at my hostel and they convinced me to go to a disco with them until the wee hours. They spoke French and German and a little English but they were loving practicing on me and asking me 100s of questions.  I had a great time with the Frenchies!
They all asked me if I had Facebook, and luckily I always carry a little notebook around with me. I awoke the following morning to a list of French names requesting my friendship. Haha I had loads of fun with them.
OMG. I found sushi!! Take away randomish sushi, but not sketchy and still sushi. I was in heaven! NO one eats it here in Germany!  This was the first I've found since being in Germany (aside from in London, obviously).
St. Peter's Cathedral outside and inside. Glorious.
The ceiling of the cathedral. SO beautiful.
Munich, in Baveria, is THE land of Lederhosen.
Before I left I had to try my first Apple Strudel.

Mom stopped by on her way back from India to visit!! :D

My mom was lucky enough to turn her layover in Frankfurt into a mini 31/2-day vacation enroute back from her missions trip in the bowls of India. It was SO great to see her and show her a glimpse of my life over here! She couldn't wait to meet the Cates, and she found adored them as much as I do, and them her!
She talked her way into a free upgrade to first class (of course) on her 10 hour red eye flight and arrived Sunday morning well rested and ready to go. Mind you she is the farthest thing from a sports fan as they come, but today was the day Germany played England in the World Cup, so I knew immediatly that we needed to place ourselves in Mannheim to watch, cheer on, and witness the passion.

Pictures nor words can't describe the level of passion and joy radiating through the air as we perched at the packed pub and watched the game. When Germany would score you couldn't even hear yourself think. It was moving for me, but I'm sure it was just giving my mom a headache, she was loving the passion though!
Unsure what to make of all the cheering, celebrating, honking and screaming that was going on post-Germany win (4-1 for those of you that live in caves).
We stopped for a pint to take in the madness. See that tiny rainbow flag up next to Eichbaum (the local beer)? Yeah we discovered that after we got our Heffs and the men start dancing from their hips.
Here's the water tower of Mannheim where after the win people were mad with joy and trashed beyond speaking. We took a few silly photos like this, Mom brought the local paper from home in hopes of submitting a photo with the paper in Germany to be featured. I wish you could better see what was going on and the thousands of people congregating to celebrate behind us!
She came along with the kids and I to Hemsbach Lake to sun, swim and picnic. I was so happy to bring her along to a special where we spend many hours (and will so more this Summer). We spent hours there and had a blast relaxing in the beautiful scenery, warm sun and refreshing pool with the kids.
We went with Amy and the kids to Worms, so we could see the breathtaking 1000s+ year old cathedral and walk the city where Martin Luther defended his doctrines.
I knew it was high on the list for my mom to get to see Heidelberg (only 20 minutes drive from where I live) as she had heard about it most of her life since her father's relatives immigrated from there. She also recalls her parents visiting there for an anniversary and one of the few trips they ever took together. Naturally she was intrigued to walk where her family had lived and visited before, and so was I.
A painting we spotted portraying Heidelberg, photos just don't do this breathtaking little city justice! But this little painting helps capture the quaint picturesqueness of Heidelberg.
Tour of Heidelberg Castle.
My pretty Mama overlooking Heidelberg and the Rhine River from the castle.
Hahaha this photo make me laugh. This is in front of the biggest barrel of wine in Europe (maybe the world? I don't remember) located in the cellar of Heidelberg Castle.
My family does live themselves Mercedes so on our way back to Huttenfeld we stopped where the first Mercedes Benz was built by Carl Benz in the 1920s (and named after his daughter Mercedes). There's now a museum there with Mercedes of all years and types!
Holding a photo of Carl Benz.
The kids loved her!! I wasn't surprised. They crowned her their new "Aunt Kimmee", it was adorable!! They miss her already and so do I!


Here you can better see where I was. Two weeks ago I was off the Central East coast in Valencia, Spain visiting Lauren. This time in the South near Malaga and Mijas to vacation and work with the Cates and then on my day off through the Straight of Gibraltar and down a continent to Tangier, Morocco :]
The ferry I took through the Straight of Gibratlar to Morocco.
View coming in.
Apparently a daily event, locals selling their goods everywhere along the streets. A few things I noted about Tangier: it was VERY Muslim (women covered their hair and faces, men wore traditional Muslin dress), it was VERY poor (there were beggers and children without shoes everywhere) it was HOT (well it IS Africa).
I saw a sign and went down to a cave where you could look out and see where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean Sea through the wave-made silhouette of Africa.

I had lunch at a tourist trap spot, pitched as a true "Moroccan experience" ahaha I doubt it, but it was an experience.
Belly dancer to watch whilst eating.
Some sort of horse and gun show that I didn't really follow
Camels are cool but creepy.
Super close shot, you're welcome.
Town center of Tangier.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


The aftermath of Germany beating England 4:1
Downtown Mannheim (Water Tower)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Holiday with the Cates in the South of Spain!

From London I headed over to Mijas, Spain (the very Southern tip) to join the Cates family on their Summer holiday!
The weather was perfect and the beaches were gorgeous!
View from the Malaga Airport.
The timeshare!
View from our balcony!

I had a blast hanging with the kids at the beach all day. We snorkeled and saw fish, swam, sunned and then they begged me to take them to a huge McDonalds to have lunch and play in the enormous playplace!
On one of my days off I took a tour of the nearby Malaga, birthplace of Pablo Picasso and Antonio Banderes. I took in the historic city, shopped, and visited an amazing Picasso museum/gallery. I had so much fun vacationing with the Cates!! They are SUCH a fun family!!