Monday, May 24, 2010

80+degrees in South Germany=:D

I picked the boys up from the bus stop and told them I was taking them to the "secret fort" I found on my run the other day. So we packed a snack picnic, water and sunscreen since it was SO hot, the kite, frisbee and Kayla and headed on our hike out of town to a shady spot by "the fort".

"the fort"
The boys flying a kite for the first time! They were SO excited and it was nice and breezy, perfect day for Connor's new kite.

Whitney having her turn and giggling the whole time while the boys chased after it.

Over all great sunny day in Deutschland! I heard it was 60 degrees back home in Southern California today, bummer dudes!


  1. What a great day for all of you! I LOVED THE FORT! AND THE KITE! Thanks for sharing this adventure.

  2. aww... You are so awesome Adrian! We all love you - even though I'm so jealous you get to have so much fun with my babies and not ME! :(
