Saturday, May 22, 2010

Worms Continued...

Had my first true German draft beer, at a true German biergarten. I ordered the smallest and lightest local beer they had, since I had much more walking and exploring I wanted to do. Plus the sizes and depths of color of the beers of my local patrons intimidated me! This was light and refreshing and just what I wanted :]
This bell tower rang for about 5 minutes straight! I sat and basked in the 75 degree sun and beautiful sound.
I've always been enamored with building, planning, structure and architecture and but I just can't get enough of the German style of building! Even if it's just apartments :]
das Einkaufszentrum (the shopping center)
Pretty buildings. I just can't stop looking at them!
Beautiful garden. Random tiny Subway hut. Beautiful building. hmmm.
I roll around alone a lot so here's an obligatory self photo.

This is the tips of the massive 1,400 year old Cathedral, doesn't it look like an awesome castle!? This photo doesn't do it justice, you're just going to have to see it for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. The old and the new in the same pics. Love you AG.
